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Marble Surface

*This product is not intended to replace medical treatment, whatever the consumer's pathology. We remind you that the delay in instituting a conventional medical treatment can lead to a loss of chance of cure or improvement of a serious pathology.

Pack of 10 Sacred Frequencies Cymatic discs - 2 sides, gold / copper, beeswax. The 9 sacred frequencies Solfeggio + 432 Hz "Om


  • Metal: copper + gold plating
  • Disc material: resin
  • Diameter: 100 mm
  • Thickness: 1.6 mm


Experience the possibilities of use with this disc and let your intuition guide you.


What is a sacred frequency?

The sacred frequencies, also known as sacred solfeggio, ancient solfeggio, secret solfeggio or solfeggio are a specific range of 9 frequencies such as :

174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz,

639 Hz, 741 Hz, 853 Hz and 963 Hz.

+ 432 Hz Om.


The sacred frequencies therefore have many advantages for human beings. Their use can help the body and mind to function properly.


The 10 sacred frequencies :


  • The 174 Hz frequency :

Pain and stress relief frequency. This frequency acts as a natural anaesthetic and helps to relieve physical pain. Its vibratory waves generate an intense feeling of psychic and physical security conducive to the achievement of great things. Gives a feeling of security and serenity and acts as a mental and physical protective shield.


  • The 285 Hz frequency :

This frequency allows the cells to regenerate, and to bring our organism to its optimal level. Towards a "new" body, healthier, stronger and with perfect quantum energy! Its pulses act as a powerful catalyst for cellular rejuvenation. Sends a message to the etheric body and the chakras to restructure damaged organs.


  • The 396 Hz frequency :

Frequency of confidence and liberation. Your mind will free itself from negative feelings, unfounded fears and anxiety-provoking thoughts that spin around inside you like a broken record by transforming negative emotions such as grief into positive, joyful emotions. It is associated with the release of fear and other negative feelings.


  • The 417 Hz frequency :

This frequency is used to promote change in a person. It puts us in touch with an inexhaustible source of energy that allows us to change our lives profoundly. It provides an inexhaustible amount of energy to transmute difficult and traumatic experiences. It removes negative energy from our body and encourages the cells and body to feel more energised.


  • The 432 Hz "Om" frequency :

Stimulates the cells to increase our spiritual awareness. It frees the Heart Chakra and synchronises it with the Universe. This frequency has profound effects on the consciousness and on the vibratory level by generating a consolidation of the neuro-vegetative system. On the other side of the disc is the Sanskrit syllable AUM in Devanagari. The design of the 432 Hz frequency and the syllable AUM will emit beneficial waves of form.


  • The 528 Hz frequency :

This frequency is a powerful DNA cleanser, influencing the water molecules that surround the DNA helix to produce physical and biological healing effects. In the repair process, this frequency promotes increased life energy, enlightenment of the mind and elevation of consciousness.


  • The 639 Hz frequency :

This frequency opens up the creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships. The cellular stimulation it produces encourages positive communication with the environment. It can also be used for communication with parallel worlds or spiritual spheres. This frequency facilitates communication, understanding and tolerance.



  • The 741 Hz frequency :

This frequency cleanses toxins deep down and helps to change negative behaviour to achieve purity of body and mind. In ancient secret doctrine, this frequency was used as a "conductor" to upliftment and transformation. Focuses more on cleansing the cell of toxins. It also helps to solve all kinds of problems by facilitating self-expression. It helps us to draw a line under the past, to slam the door to help us open up to new perceptions.


  • The 852 Hz frequency :

This frequency develops our capacity for premonition and our spiritual sensitivity to help the soul evolve towards Unconditional Love. This frequency restores the original qualities to bring the cellular body to a higher level. Frequency of awakening and realisation. This frequency is related to the ability to discern the illusions of life and to glimpse what is going on behind the veil.


  • The 963 Hz frequency :

This frequency leads to the Inner Light by connecting the infinitely small to the infinitely large. It allows access to the absolute through full consciousness to experience universal knowledge. This Frequency connects the mind to the matrix and energies to release the creative force. It reconnects you to the spiritual and universal energy.

Solfèggio Sacred Frequencies - Pack of 10 discs

€320.00 Regular Price
€250.00Sale Price
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